Arcane Ascension Wiki

The Jaden box is believed to have been created by Wrynn Jaden, in the pre-attunement era. It exhibits Advanced summoning and storage capabilities beyond those now believed to be achievable.

The box is capable of storing items that appear to be too large to fit inside the box by utilizing an extraplanar space. It is also capable of summoning a person related to an object that is placed inside the box.

Wrynn Jaden Notes[]

Anyway, I’ve saved the most important item for last. My box! The Jaden Box, because, well, it’s named after me. It lets you store items in an extra dimensional space and retrieve them at will. And, perhaps more importantly, it has a long-distance summoning function. Sadly, that function takes a long time to recharge, but it’s really useful! All I need is some blood or hair or something from someone and I can pull them over from anywhere I want. (Don’t look at me like that, it’s not creepy for me to collect blood and hair from my friends. It’s practical, okay?)

The Silence of Unworthy Gods[]

After Wrynn was summoned she had a discussion with Corin regarding her box. She did not create the box, but has studied it.

Wyrnn - “So, the storage and retrieval functions. Most people assume that when you say ‘store magic sword’ or whatever, the box retrieves the item later based on matching the sound of the words after ‘store’. That’s only partially accurate. People vary their volume and tone when saying things, and obviously, different people have wildly different ways they say any given word. So, the functions on the box aren’t relying purely on sound — the box uses what you’d call communication and spirit mana to evaluate intent.”

Cornin - “…You mean the box reads my mind?”

Wyrnn - “No, nothing that sophisticated. And before you ask, it’s not conscious or alive. It just has functions that try to…hmm, I suppose the best way to describe it might be that it tries to translate whatever you’re saying into something the box already has stored. It isn’t perfect, especially if there are multiple things stored with very similar sounding words and ideas behind them. If you have both a red sword and a…uh, bread sword, maybe?...those might be similar enough in both sound and concept that attempting to retrieve one will get you the other.”

Corin - “That sounds less like the box is actually judging intent and more like it’s trying to find things that are approximately similar to the words that are being stored.”

Wyrnn - “Well, yeah, it is trying to find something similar — but the ‘intent’ part comes up through the box evaluating things on the spirit end. Before you ask, I don’t actually know how that works, but I imagine it’s similar to sakki.”

Corin - “…Saki? Like, the drink?”

Wyrnn - “That’s sake, kid. Sakki is shorthand for ‘killing intent’, but a lot of people use the term as a catch-all for any kind of spiritual projection of intent. You, uh, might have felt me using a bit of it when I first showed up.”

Corin - “That…pressure you were exuding was sakki?”

Wyrnn - “Pressure is a good word — ‘spiritual pressure’ is often a translation used for people applying their spirit to intimidate or incapacitate others. There are some people who make a distinction between that type of pressure and sakki, which specifically relates to ‘I’m going to murder you’ kind of energy, but virtually no one bothers to make that distinction anymore.”

Corin - “Okay. So, the box basically…picks up on the same kind of intent you infuse into your spirit when you’re using sakki?”

Wrynn - “You’re a quick one, kid. That’s just it. Everyone is always projecting a little bit of their intent when they take any action — it’s just that only people with tightly-honed spiritual senses can pick up on it. Or, you know, magic boxes. And that’s what this guy here is doing — reading and translating that little bit of spirit you’re emitting into the world when you do anything.”
